Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics provides the foundation for Hansel’s practices and policies. The Code of Ethics has been approved by Hansel’s Board of Directors, and its implementation is the responsibility of the Managing Director, who uses the management system as an aid in this work. The Code of Ethics applies to all employees. It is explained to all new employees as part of their induction process. Ethics are also discussed in relation to each employee’s job description.

Managers and supervisors are obligated to ensure that

  • everyone is treated equally and that work duties have been divided equally; and
  • the work community is productive and efficient; and
  • there is no discrimination, bullying or any other inappropriate behaviour in the work community; and
  • occupational health and safety is taken seriously; and
  • any problems are addressed.

Employees are obligated to ensure that

  • work duties are taken care of without delay and appropriately; and
  • the work community’s work instructions are followed; and
  • no conflicts of interest regarding work duties arise; any conflicts of interest must be reported to supervisors without delay; and
  • the work community’s rules are respected and everyone treats others with respect.

Rules about cooperation with stakeholders:

  1. Participation in training, social or cultural events or similar events organised by stakeholders is only allowed based on written permission from the employee’s supervisor. However, those working with customers as part of their work duties do not need their supervisor’s permission to take part in training organised by customers. When asking for permission, employees must specify whether the time is to be included in their working hours. Any travel and accommodation expenses will always be paid by Hansel.
  2. Regular participation in events organised by the same supplier or other stakeholder is not allowed.
  3. If personal gifts are offered, only regular business gifts or those in the same price range are acceptable. Any form of corruption or bribery is strictly prohibited.
  4. During a tendering process, attendance in events organised by the companies participating in the tendering is usually not allowed, invitations to such events are not to be accepted and only season’s greetings may be accepted as gifts.
  5. Hansel has an event and gift list in which employees must enter details of events attended and gifts received when they are worth €15 or more. Such entries must be made without delay once permission for participation has been received or the gift has been received.
  6. Our employees cannot use any information received in the course of their duties for the purpose of personal gain, nor can they disclose such information to any third party. We protect our suppliers’ and customers’ business secrets.

Disqualification provisions and violations:

The disqualification provisions specified in the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) are not directly applicable to Hansel, but the provisions in the Act and their interpretations do have a general bearing on procurement. Since the majority of Hansel’s customers comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, we are also expected to abide by its principles. Hansel also applies recommendations of a report of the Public Service Code of Ethics Committee (3/2014), where applicable.

From Hansel’s point of view, situations involving disqualification may arise, for example, when an employee changes jobs from a supplier to Hansel. We follow a principle that employees should not be tasked with any assignments related to their previous employer, their partners or competitors, immediately after assuming their new position. Permission must be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer for any outside employment.

The most typical and most common situation involving disqualification arises when a next of kin of a Hansel expert or anyone in their immediate circle has a personal interest in a procurement process. If this is the case, the employee cannot be involved in the tendering process.

Hansel’s experts give regular lectures at functions organised by the company’s stakeholders. The company takes a positive stand to wide utilisation of Hansel employees’ procurement expertise among stakeholders.

Hansel employees may witness situations that may constitute a breach of competition laws, such as price fixing, market sharing or abuse of a dominant market position. If Hansel experts suspect that competition laws have been breached, they must inform Hansel’s Head of Legal Affairs.