- Responsible procurement
- Sitemap
- Operations 2018
- From the Managing Director
- Key indicators
- Strategy and vision
- Hansel Ltd
- Breaking more records
- Development of joint procurement
- New joint procurement product serves customers in a new way
- Environmental issues mattered in taxi tendering
- Procurement is also available as a service
- Services and organisation
- Implementing lean in processes
- Preparation for merger of Hansel and KL-Kuntahankinnat
- Saving government funds
- Better data security through a variety of means
- Active advocacy work nationally and at the EU level
- Hansel enables meetings in the procurement industry
- Internal audit focused on GDPR practices
- Hansel reduces environmental impact of its operations
- Economic
- Operations of the joint procurement unit
- Financial position and key figures
- Services
- Review of events in 2018
- Risks and risk management
- Personnel and organisation
- Outlook for 2019
- Board of Directors’ proposal for the disposal of profit
- Profit and loss statement
- Balance sheet
- Cash flow statement
- Notes to the financial statements
- Renewing procurement
- Planning improves management of procurement
- Central government excels in knowledge-based management
- Joint development by the EU member states
- Driving innovation and sustainable development
- Tendering opened doors to export market
- Electronic tendering is now the norm
- Electronic signatures boost operations
- Renewing Hilma offers more versatile services
- Automation and artificial intelligence introduced to procurement
- Responsible procurement
- Corporate responsibility management
- Materiality assessment
- Code of Ethics
- Preventing corruption
- Monitoring supplier finances
- Extensive supplier base in joint procurement
- Investigating auditing of responsibility
- Responsible materials and controlled working conditions
- Accessible and responsible meeting venues made available
- Hansel employees share their expertise
- Hansel develops procurement as a member of the Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics
- Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement
- Hansel as an employer